Queering the Creek
Queering the Creek is an augmented reality art show that I designed and curated in partnership with Queen City Pride.
The artworks in this exhibition were created entirely or in part by queer, trans, and Two Spirit artists based in oskana kâ-asastêki, colonially known as Regina, in Treaty 4 while in social isolation.
Team Player - "Spin Class" - 2:54
Jaye Kovach - "Bioluminescent" - 11:41
Rhys Ironstar - "Aunties" - Still image
Charity Marsh & Evie Ruddy - "We Are A Family" - 2:50
Torrie Ironstar - "Two Worlds Collide" - Still image
Torrie Ironstar - "Home is always in each direction" - Still image
Cat Abenstein - "Snake Apologist" - 2:35
Ariana Giroux - "Vocal perFormant" - 5:37
The exhibition took place during Pride Week 2020. Festival attendees were asked to download the app Artivive, head to Wascana Creek between Elphinstone Street and the Albert Street Bridge, and search for these objects/signs:

Once an object was found, users opened the app on their smartphone, held their phone up to the object, and an artwork appeared on the screen.
Street signs and everyday objects fade into the background of our daily excursions. Queering the Creek brings these seemingly mundane objects to the forefront to remind us that space is always already coded, and that by subverting or queering these signs through AR, we can begin to re-imagine what other imagery and values might occupy their place in public space.

View of “Aunties” by Rhys Ironstar through the AR app, Artivive.

Digital image of “Aunties” by Rhys Ironstar layered onto the Kiwanis International ground sign in Kiwanis Park